How dangerous is thyroid and what effect does it have on our body due to its increase or decrease and how we can control it.

Thyroid is not a disease in itself, but it is a butterfly shaped gland located in the middle of the lower neck. Even though it is a small organ, it has many essential roles in our body. This gland produces three types of hormones that help in growth, cell repair and control of metabolism in the body. Thyroid hormone is secreted by the thyroid gland, but when the secretion of thyroid hormone becomes unbalanced then we have to go through many problems.
Due to this, there can be fatigue, falling hair, increasing weight, extreme cold and many other symptoms combined together are called thyroid disease. In severe cases, thyroid disease can also lead to eye problems, where the immune system attacks the muscles and tissues around the eye. Due to this, thyroid hormone is secreted in excess or less than required. This condition is addressed by thyroid eye disease. Thyroid eye disease is an autoimmune condition of the eye. It is common in people suffering from thyroid disease. This type of eye infection is also seen in people affected by Graves' disease. Thyroid-related eye problems occur when our immune system mistakenly treats the body's tissue around the eye as an external invader. Soon after that, the immune system sends antibodies that attack the fat and tissue around the eye. However, experts do not yet understand what is causing the immune system to react. However, not everyone suffering from thyroid disease is affected by this condition. In this condition the eyes may appear bulging and the eyes may feel swollen. In severe cases, you may not even be able to close your eyes completely. Some other symptoms include burning, pain and pressure in the eyes, dry or watery eyes, double vision, trouble in the eyes when exposed to light. If you have thyroid disease, go for regular eye checkups to rule out the possibility of eye problems. If you start experiencing slight pain or problems in the eye, contact your ophthalmologist. Your doctor may detect swelling or an increase in eye tissue or tissue. Your doctor will prescribe medicines for you based on your condition. You may also be asked to take some precautions, for example protect your eyes from dust and strong light. Only a small percentage of people suffering from this condition require surgery.these article was published by discussion of group of doctor plz if you have any symtoms plz contact your doctor . 

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