People suffering from diabetes can have the habit of taking snoring and let us know how dangerous it is.

Even though many people have the habit of taking snoring, it is not a sign of being completely healthy. That's because snoring isn't just restlessness. This is a serious sleep disorder that can be a symptom of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). Actually, a person who snores feels a pause in breathing during sleep for a minute or more, which is not good. Due to this, sleep starts breaking in the middle and the body does not get the benefit of getting enough sleep. But the question is, why snoring is not a good sign for diabetic patients (diabetes and snoring)? Actually, snoring for diabetic patients can be a sign of cardiovascular diseases, which can lead to serious conditions in the future. can.
Snoring more in diabetic patients can be a sign of these 5 things related to health
Although many people have the habit of snoring, but it is not a sign of being completely healthy. That's because snoring isn't just restlessness. This is a serious sleep disorder that can be a symptom of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). Actually, a person who snores feels a pause in breathing during sleep for a minute or more, which is not good. Due to this, sleep starts breaking in the middle and the body does not get the benefit of getting enough sleep. But the question is, why snoring is not a good sign for diabetic patients (diabetes and snoring)? In fact, snoring for diabetic patients can be a sign of cardiovascular diseases, which can lead to serious conditions later.
Diabetes patients snore nine percent more than the general population. Also according to a study in the American Journal of Epidemiology, regular snorers are twice as likely to develop type 2 diabetes than non-snorers. In fact, the relationship between snoring and diabetes is most visible in people suffering from obesity. Apart from this, both these conditions are more visible in smokers too. In fact, what happens is that airway obstruction caused by snoring or sleep apnea prevents you from getting oxygen. When you don't have enough oxygen, the body releases stress hormones like cortisol. Stress increases insulin resistance. This affects the production of insulin in the body and thereby increases the blood sugar.
What are the signs of excessive snoring in diabetic patients?
1. Lack of sleep
Sleep deprivation can be seen more in people who snore more. Actually, frequent snoring breaks sleep and stress hormones start increasing in the body. This does not complete the natural cycle of sleep and it affects both your blood sugar level and blood pressure. So if diabetic patients start snoring more, then their blood sugar can also increase which is not right for diabetic patients. High blood sugar
Snoring damages the structure of sleep and the phases of deep sleep are altered, as a result of which certain hormones, including insulin, are not produced to the required extent. Due to this, your blood sugar level starts rising rapidly and you can have unbalanced diabetes. Also, if a person has type 1 diabetes, any sleep disorder can impair their diabetes management and contribute to the development of type 2 diabetes. Low oxygen levels
Snoring or sleep apnea causes obstruction of the nasal passages associated with breathing, which reduces oxygen intake. This causes the body to produce stress hormones such as cortisol, which makes the body unable to digest sugar. This can worsen your diabetes management. In addition, low oxygen levels can have negative effects on heart and brain health. high cholesterol
People who slept less than six hours each night were at increased risk of developing heart disease. Actually, snoring is also a sign that the blood circulation of your body is not right or something is stopping somewhere. In such a situation, snoring has always been associated with obesity and bad cholesterol. That is, the more bad cholesterol in your body, the more your sleep can be affected. Therefore snoring is associated with low levels of good cholesterol. signs of heart disease
If a diabetic patient is snoring a lot, then he should do a complete heart checkup once. Because snoring can be a sign that the supply of oxygen in the body is not right. It can affect heart health, putting you at risk of high BP problems and heart attacks.
So, if you are a diabetic patient and you snore a lot at night, then you should visit your doctor at once. Also heart checkup should be done and pranayama should be done along with following a good lifestyle.

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