Diabtes patients always concentrate on yoga because yoga is very important for conntroll your blood sugar how ?

Yoga can be helpful in reducing blood sugar levels in patients with type 2 diabetes. Learn about some effective yoga asanas to manage diabetes here. Diabetes is a metabolic disorder that can put you at risk of many diseases like heart problems, stroke, kidney problems, blindness etc. Diabetes patients are advised to take a healthy diabetes diet along with reducing weight. Modify your dietary habits by including low GI (glycemic index) foods in your diet, along with doing yoga and other exercises to keep blood sugar levels under control. Whereas type 1 diabetes occurs when the body stops making insulin as a result of an autoimmune reaction. Type 2 diabetes, which is more common in people, develops due to insulin resistance, due to which sugar remains in the blood instead of being used by the body and this leads to many health problems. Yoga is considered a natural remedy for diabetes. can be done as Many people also question that how to control blood sugar level? So even if you are looking for a remedy for diabetes, then what can be better than yoga. There are certain yogasanas that can help in activating the pancreas, the organ that produces insulin. Balasana
It is also known as child pose. To do this asana, sit on the mat on your knees and heels. While inhaling, raise the hands above the head, exhale and tilt the upper body forward. Keep your forehead on the floor and rest your pelvis on the ankles. Make sure your back is not humped. Manduka seat
Another name of this asana is Frog Pose. Begin this asana by sitting in Vajrasana and spreading your arms in front of you. Bend your thumbs in your palms, wrap the remaining four fingers over it and ball your fist. Bend your arms at your elbows, place your round fists above your navel. Bend your upper body and place it on top of your lower body. Stretch your neck and focus your gaze forward. Pregnant women should avoid practicing this asana. Marjariasana
Come on your knees to perform the Urdhva Mukhi Marjari asana. Place the palms under the shoulders and the knees under the hips and then inhale. Bend your spine upwards. For Adho Mukhi Marjari Asana, while exhaling, round your back and place your chin on your chest. Focus your attention on your navel region Paschimottanasana
This is also known as seated forward bend, making sure that your knees are slightly bent. Begin the asana by extending your legs forward. Raise your arms and keep your spine straight. Exhale and bend forward at the hip, keeping your upper body over your lower body. Try to hold your big toes with your fingers. Pregnant women should avoid practicing this asana.

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