How dangerous is diabetes today and how careless women are with it. Diabetes is spreading rapidly in women during pregnancy, which affects the children in the womb. How dangerous is diabetes during pregnancy, you must read today.

Diabetes has become the problem of every household today and Aastha Foundation is continuously making people aware against this silent killer and is also helping people suffering from diabetes. Today, diabetes during pregnancy is spreading rapidly among women, which has increased the risk of developing diabetes in the unborn child. Therefore, Aastha Foundation started the work of uniting people against diabetes by adopting two villages Pali and Masaudhi adjacent to Patna and freeing them from diabetes and other diseases by providing health related services in five thousand homes. Apart from this, it will make women aware especially pregnant women by going to those places where the health system is absolutely devastated, where there is obedience and women do not know how dangerous diabetes is during pregnancy, on October 5 at 12 noon, everyone living in the locality of Punaichak. The team of Aastha Foundation will make women aware of diabetes. Aastha Foundation will be accompanied by the team of doctors, the team of dieticians and media friends. All preparations have been done, Aastha Foundation has started a big campaign and is towards its goal. You will soon see the entire campaign on all social media. This campaign has also been appreciated by the women working in the Anganwadi and they have assured to go ahead with the entire program. Let me leave you with pictures of some moments spent with him.

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