People suffering from diabetes need to be careful. If your heart rate drops suddenly, then it is a sign of your heart being unhealthy. This problem is seen due to cold in winter, due to chronic heart disease or in elderly people. What is this problem, definitely read this article.

If your heart rate drops suddenly, then it is a sign of your heart being unhealthy. This problem is seen due to cold in winter, due to chronic heart disease or in older people. In such a situation, if you do not take precautions by making a few changes in your lifestyle, then the problem related to heart rate can be dangerous for you. Some home remedies can give relief from this. 5 Ways to Keep Heartbeat Under Control
1. Do exercise for at least 30 minutes daily. This keeps both the heart and the body healthy. By exercising, the arteries of the body become flexible, which improves blood flow in the body and strengthens the heart. It is not necessary to go to the gym for this. Walking, cycling, dancing or swimming for a while every day is enough.
2. Keeping your weight under control is very important for maintaining the right heart rate and for heart health. Obesity causes many diseases related to the heart. Control your weight according to your height. Monitor your weight regularly. According to your age, there should not be more than 5 kg at all due to the fixed reason. If you are successful in avoiding obesity, then it proves beneficial for your heart as well as the whole body.
3. Eat food rich in nutrients. This not only keeps the body healthy, but also keeps the heart healthy. Avoid foods that are high in trans fats. Do not consume too much non-veg, salt, sugar, greasy and junk food. Make lifestyle active to avoid heart problem. Include seasonal vegetables, green vegetables, nuts and dry fruits, fish, milk etc. in your diet and spend some time in the sun every day.
4. Water is the cheapest and best medicine to keep our body healthy. The more water you drink, the healthier your body will be. If there is a lack of water in the body, then the heartbeat can increase, so if you feel your heartbeat increased, then immediately sit or lie down and drink 1 glass of water after being in a calm state for 2 minutes.
5. Sometimes due to lack of sleep, your heartbeat becomes abnormal, so you should get enough sleep when the heart rate increases. It is generally believed that 6-7 hours of sleep is sufficient for a person. But if your heartbeat has been abnormal for a few days, then you must take 7-9 hours of sleep.

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