It is very important for you to know how you can keep your diabetes under control.

Diabetes is a common health condition nowadays and with diabetes one needs to be extremely aware of one's health. From making some big changes in your eating habits to taking care of your health, in this situation you need to choose healthy options. However, despite knowing this, some people who have diabetes end up struggling a lot. Sometimes, they do not know what to do to manage diabetes. This could make the situation worse. If you are a diabetic patient and want to keep it under control, here are some tips.
Tips to keep diabetes under control Tips To Keep Diabetes Under Control
1. Increase Fiber in Your Diet
One of the most important tips is to include food rich in fiber in your diet. You should make a conscious effort to increase the fiber in your diet. Some popular sources of fiber include whole grains, whole pulses, nuts, seeds, fruits and vegetables.
Too many carbohydrates every day may not be good for your health if you are diabetic. Carbs can affect your blood sugar level. Therefore, it is advisable to consume a certain amount of carbohydrates every day.

3. Go for Mini-Meals
Being diabetic can also mean changing your eating habits. You may prefer to enjoy a lot of meals at once, however, instead of eating three heavy meals in a day, try to have about four or five mini-meals.
Avoid eating processed food
Refined foods are not good for your body. You should avoid processed foods like white rice, refined flour, sweets, soft drinks, chocolate, sugar and food rich in fat. All of these can have a negative effect on your body.
eat low sugar foods
Sugar is already bad for diabetics. However, you can consume low-sugar fruits like jamuns, strawberries, pomegranates, guavas and strawberries.
Add Sprouts to Your Diet
Sprouts are full of essential nutrients that are beneficial for your body. Include sprouts in your diet and eat them every day.

7. Limit Calories From Saturated Fat
Get no more than five to seven percent of your daily calories from saturated fat (preferably coconut oil or cow's ghee), and avoid trans fats altogether. It would be good if you consume monosaturated fats like olive oil, mustard oil, sesame oil, rice bran oil, olive oil or canola oil.
Eat foods rich in antioxidants
You should include antioxidants like vitamins A, C and E in the diet. Minerals like zinc, chromium, selenium and magnesium help in controlling the imbalance of blood sugar.

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