Do you know what is the benefits of elaichi or cardamom plz must read

Health benefits of Elaichi or Cardamom

1. Improves digestion:

Ever wonder why elaichi is a staple addition to saunf after meal? Well, that is because elaichi  is carminative in nature and helps speed up digestion, reduces inflammation of the stomach lining, fights heart burn and nausea. It is known to soothe the mucous membranes, making it function better thereby relieving the symptoms of acidity and an upset stomach. Moreover, according to Ayurvedic texts it also reduces the water and air properties in the stomach making it more capable of digesting food efficiently.

Tip: If you suffer from indigestion this tip is for you. Take a two to three pods of cardamom, a small piece of ginger, a few pieces of cloves and a few dhania seeds. Grind them well and eat this with warm water. It acts as an instant remedy for indigestion, bloating and gas.

Another great remedy for headaches caused due to indigestion is to make cardamom tea. All you need to do is infuse it into some regular green tea and drink it while it’s warm. This mixture works well right at the onset of the symptoms of indigestion.

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