अगर आप डाइबिटीज है तो आप कैसे अपने डाइबिटीज ब्लड सुगर और hb1c को नियंत्रित कर रख सकते हैं आइए जानते हैं

Great message for diabetes patient must read .
Last week a young man of 30yr old consulted me for diabetes. 
He was diagnosed as diabetes one year back. 
His HBa1c at the time of diagnosis is 13%.
He started on Ayurvervedic medications and he continued for one year. 
He starting eating chapatis instead of white rice.
On discussion , he said most of the time his random sugar was 400 mg/dl. 
He didn’t repeat his Hba1c since one year.
Many innocent people like this  succumb to heart attacks, strokes, kidney and eye damage in their young age due to their ignorance and lack of motivation to understand. 
Lessons from this case:
1)Have a proper knowledge about the diabetes disease if ur suffering from it.
2)when young people are diagnosed as diabetes, make a proper evaluation whether it is type 2 diabetes or autoimmune diabetes (type 1.5).
3)Get a proper knowledge about #lowcarb diet. Eating chapatis instead of rice doesn’t give any benefits. 
4)check blood sugars at home periodically and Hba1c once in 3 months. If not controlled consult your Diabetologist immediately for change of dosage and advice. 
5)whether you take ayurvedic or allopathic medications, know the scientific basis for it and make sure that your blood sugars are under control. 
Low carb diet and lifestyle is equally important like any kind of medications. 
Discussion with Dr Rajesh jain diabtologist from kankur

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