What is juvenile Diabtes and how can glucose do work on juvenile Diabtes.

The first thing that Indian parents need to know when their child develops diabetes is what precisely is juvenile diabetes. Juvenile diabetes is primarily an autoimmune disorder and is also known as type 1 diabetes. As suggested by the name, this form of diabetes is generally diagnosed in childhood or adolescence, which is in sharp contrast to type 2 diabetes because the latter commonly affects adults.After you consume any food, your body successfully breaks down the food into glucose (or sugar) and other substances, which enters the bloodstream. In response, your pancreas releases insulin, which is a hormone that assists fat and muscle cells to use glucose for energy. 

When it comes to children with juvenile diabetes, their immune system starts to get confused and begins attacking the beta cells of the pancreas, thus shutting down the production of insulin. Without insulin to successfully guide glucose into the cells of the body, glucose begins to build up in the blood, leading to a wide range of health issues. most common age when children are generally diagnosed with juvenile diabetes is between the years 10 and 16. This is probably because puberty triggers an increase in the production of hormones (such as oestrogen and testosterone) that may affect blood sugar levels.The precise cause of juvenile diabetes is not yet known. Besides the obvious cause of the body’s own immune system (which typically fights bacteria and viruses) mistakenly destroying the insulin-producing cells of the pancreas, genetic factors, exposure to viruses, and environmental factors may cause the development of juvenile diabetes.  Juvenile diabetes is not linked to any specific gene that you can successfully test for. Although autoimmune disorders run in families, most instances of juvenile diabetes appear to occur in a random manner. signs and symptoms of juvenile diabetes can appear in a sudden manner and may include:
Increased thirst
Frequent need to urinate
Severe Hunger
Unintended and unexplained weight loss
Irritability and mood changes
Weakness and fatigue
Blurry vision.....this article is published with discussion of renowned diabtoligist

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