What food should you not eat when you have diabetes, so that your blood sugar is always under control, let us tell you some things.

Which food should not be eaten if you have diabetes?
Diabetes is a condition due to which the sugar level in a person's body is high. For type 2 diabetes, your body becomes resistant to insulin, which causes a buildup of sugar in the blood. Diabetes is harmful and the condition can not only affect the heart, eyes and other organs of the body, but also increases the chances of getting high blood pressure, stroke and infection. It can also cause you to experience low energy. Your diet can help you relieve the symptoms of a condition like diabetes. If you have diabetes, choose a diet that is low in sugar, if you have type 2 diabetes, here is a list of foods to avoid
Avoid these foods if you have type 2 diabetes
 1. Sugar Foods
If you have diabetes, stay away from foods that contain a lot of sugar so that your blood sugar doesn't drop too low. Candy, sweets and soda only lead to weight gain and the problem. If you want to eat some sugar, eat fruit instead. Not only will you get natural sugar that slows down the rate at which sugar is absorbed, but fiber as well.
Fruit Juice
Fruit juice is bad for you if you have type 2 diabetes. Fruits are high in sugar, but not fiber. It may be a better option than soda but it will raise your blood sugar significantly. Instead, use a little lemon juice
3. White Rice, Bread, and Flour
 White rice and white flour are not nutritious. They result from highly processed and refined whole grains, a process that causes whole grains to lose fiber. Eating these bad carbs will raise glucose levels as they break down into sugar in your body. Consume whole grains found in foods like wild rice or cereals and whole grain breads.
4-Fried foods
Fried foods can be very tasty, but they are equally dangerous. They are high in fat and calories. They increase your weight and will cause your blood sugar to rise. Different fried foods affect people differently. French fries, for example, will raise blood sugar faster than fried chicken because potatoes are net carbohydrates while fried chicken contains some protein.
5-Sweet Breakfast Cereal
If you have diabetes you may want to avoid cereal for breakfast. . Cereals contain more carbs than most people even realize. You don't even have enough protein to keep you full for a long time. So, to keep your blood sugar under control, it is better to skip these cereals and go for protein based breakfast which is low in carbs.
6-thick piece of meat
Meat also contains high levels of saturated fat. Certain levels of it can increase inflammation in the body and increase the risk of heart disease. For those who already have heart disease, it's even worse. Sodium can raise blood pressure and lead to insulin resistance. The nitrates present can also cause insulin resistance. If you really want to eat meat, choose fish, turkey or skinless chicken instead.
7- Wine
If you have diabetes, you should either abstain from alcohol completely. Different levels of alcohol cause blood sugar to rise or fall. Some diabetes pills will stimulate more insulin production by the pancreas to lower glucose levels. The combination of alcohol and medication can cause hypoglycemia or insulin shock.
8-Full Fat Dairy Products
 Heart disease is a major concern for people with diabetes. Full-fat dairy products, which are high in saturated fat, increase insulin resistance which makes things worse. So, skip that full-fat yogurt, cream, ice cream, butter or cheese.
Appropriate diet and exercise are the foundation of diabetes care, with higher levels of exercise leading to better outcomes. Aerobic exercise reduces HbA1C and improves insulin sensitivity. Resistance training is also useful, and a combination of both types of exercise can be very effective. A diabetic diet that promotes weight loss is important. While there is controversy over the best diet type to achieve this, a low glycemic index diet has been found to improve blood sugar control. Culturally appropriate education, for at least 6 months, can help people with type 2 diabetes lower their blood sugar levels. If lifestyle changes in people with mild diabetes do not improve blood sugar within 6 months, the use of medications should be considered. This article is published with discussion of renowned diabtoligist

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