How do you know if your kidney damage from diabetes

How do you know if you have kidney damage from diabetes?
Most people with diabetic kidney disease do not have symptoms. The only way to know if you have diabetic kidney disease is to get your kidneys checked. Health care professionals use blood and urine tests to check for diabetic kidney disease.
What is the most important symptom of early kidney disease from diabetes?
The earliest sign of diabetic kidney disease is increased excretion of albumin in the urine. This is present long before the usual tests done in your doctor's office show evidence of kidney disease, so it is important for you to have this test on a yearly basis. Weight gain and ankle swelling may occur.
What are the stages of kidney failure in diabetes?
Stage 1: Kidney damage present but normal kidney function and a GFR of 90% or above.
Stage 2: Kidney damage with some loss of function and a GFR of 60–89%.
Stage 3: Mild to severe loss of function and a GFR of 30–59%.
Stage 4: Severe loss of function and GFR of 15–29%.
Stage 5: Kidney failure and a GFR of under 15%.
Symptoms- In the early stages, a person may not notice any symptoms. At stage 4 or 5, they may feel unwell and experience the following symptoms:
swollen ankles, feet, lower legs, or hands due to water retention
darker urine due to blood in the urine
shortness of breath
fatigue due to lack of oxygen in the bloo
Following a treatment plan for diabetes and attending regular health checks can help a person with diabetes control their blood sugar levels, reduce the risk of kidney problems, and find out early if they need to take action.  
The main aim of treatment is to maintain and control blood glucose levels and blood pressure. This may involve the use of medication.
   A doctor may also prescribe vitamin D, as people with kidney disease often have low vitamin D levels, or a statin to reduce cholesterol levels.
If a person has kidney disease, their doctor may ask them to keep track of the following nutrientsTrusted Source:
Water: Although essential, too much water or fluid may increase the risk of swelling and high blood pressure
Sodium: This can raise blood pressure as it is a constituent of salt.
Protein: For a person with kidney disease, protein can cause waste to build up in the blood, putting extra pressure on the kidney

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